Sometimes I Wonder - Opening Night LLC - JPG
Sometimes I Wonder - Opening Night LLC - JPG
Sometimes I Wonder - Opening Night LLC - VIMEO 5m:42s

Sometimes I Wonder
Opening Night LLC

Sometimes I Wonder - - Opening Night LLC

Top 10

Title of Piece: Sometimes I Wonder
Production Company: Opening Night LLC
Director(s): Theo Le Sourd
Producer(s): Theo Le Sourd & Jacob Gottlieb
Client: Personal work
Director of Photography: Sachi Bahra
Editor: Theo Le Sourd
Script: Theo Le Sourd
Costume Design: Carly Smith & Paige Melkerson
Music Composer: Csisterna
Sound Design: Raphaƫl Ajuelos
Short Synopsis: Josephine, a young flight attendant, is thinking of her lover on the other side of the world. Set in New York during this pandemic we all know too well, we follow Josephine through the warm days of Spring and her memories of this mysterious lover we never see.

Josephine wanders through the city and tries to keep a smile despite what is happening around her.

Halfway between an intimate letter, and fiction, it is a sensual poem about love, memory, and a looming heartbreak.
Extra Credit 1: Color Grading: Josh Bohoskey
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