PERSONAL WORK (New Generation Award)

Tuum amor flore est - LAM production - what_about_as JPG
Tuum amor flore est - LAM production - what_about_as JPG
Tuum amor flore est - LAM production - what_about_as JPG
Tuum amor flore est - LAM production - what_about_as MP4 3m:01s

Tuum amor flore est - what_about_as
LAM production

Tuum amor flore est - what_about_as - LAM production


Title of Piece: Tuum amor flore est
Brand: what_about_as
Production Company: LAM production
Director(s) : Maxett Pribylov
Business Region: 37040
Short Synopsis: My video has the spirit of the first pure love. The video "toom amor flore est” Lat. (your love is flower) tells about the summer dreams of lovers, when mutual care is metaphorically represented as the care of a person for a houseplant.
I chose the form of a science fiction film for my video. The voiceover used in the video is a plant care instruction from a gardening book. The sound is made by the voice of Siri.
Perhaps this work will be useful to the viewer in such difficult time in the world.
Runtime: 03:01
Producer(s): Mikhail Fenchuk
Director of Photography: Alexandr Ponomarev
Editor: Yaroslav Dementev
Production Design: Andrew Bushmin
Costume Design: Anastasiya Kudryavtseva
Music Composer: Jyoti by Rory McCarthy
Creative Director: Maxett Pribylov
Copywriter: Maxett Pribylov
Props Stylist: Maxett Pribylov
Individual Credits: Make-up and hair stylist Julia Rada
Individual Credits: cast Sofya Filileeva, Ivan Vorobyov
Notes for Judging: I am a photographer, a director of fashion video and I am engaged in contemporary art. In summer I shot a project in which I didn’t want to focus on fashion, beauty or storytelling. It was important for me to combine these directions and show it comprehensively, each as an integral part of our lives. This video is a selection of Nowness.
My video "Tuum amor flore est" tells about the summer dreams of lovers, when mutual care is metaphorically represented as the care of a person for a houseplant. I chose the form of a science fiction film for my video. The voiceover used in the video is a plant care instruction from a gardening book. The sound is made by the voice of Siri. The video was shot using 3 types of cameras: VHS, RED, and Arri film camera using Kodak 5217 stock. I used this twist to show different states of heroes such as dreams and reality. Perhaps this work will be useful to the viewer in such difficult time in the world.
Statement: 37091
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