COMMERCIAL WORK (New Generation Award)

The Decision - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & The Sweetspot - JPEG
The Decision - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & The Sweetspot - JPEG
The Decision - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & The Sweetspot - JPEG
The Decision - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & The Sweetspot - VIMEO 2m:39s

The Decision -
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & The Sweetspot

The Decision - - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & The Sweetspot

Top 5

Title of Piece: The Decision
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg & The Sweetspot
Director(s) : Nicolas Bori
Business Region: 36854
Short Synopsis: A girl lies in bed at the hospital.
A decision can save her.
(Inspired by a real story)
Runtime: 02:38
Release Date: 2019-12-09
Producer(s): Simona Weber, Daniel Kottirsch
Director of Photography: Martin Ludwig
Editor: Ernst Lattik
Production Design: Julia Pimentel
Costume Design: Ella Philippi
Music Composer: Thomas Muis
Creative Director: Nicolas Bori
Visual Effects: Julia Kietzmann, Tim Markgraf
Sound Design: Robin Harff
Script: Nicolas Bori
Copywriter: Nicolas Bori
Animation: Marco Wagner
Notes for Judging: We took inspiration for the film a real story, that changed society's perspective on this issue in Argentina. Justina Lo Cane was 12 years old when she entered the critical waiting list for a heart in 2017. The whole country became aware of her case and followed it daily on the media. The whole country felt personally connected to the story and after 4 month of hoping for a miracle, we saw her die.
Statement: 36905
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