COMMERCIAL WORK (New Generation Award)

It starts with a (heart)beat - Mikki Sindhunata - JPG
It starts with a (heart)beat - Mikki Sindhunata - JPG
It starts with a (heart)beat - Mikki Sindhunata - JPG
It starts with a (heart)beat - Mikki Sindhunata - VIMEO 1m:36s

It starts with a (heart)beat
Mikki Sindhunata

It starts with a (heart)beat - - Mikki Sindhunata


Title of Piece: It starts with a (heart)beat
Production Company: Mikki Sindhunata
Director(s) : Mikki Sindhunata
Business Region: 36854
Short Synopsis: Deaf-born enter a lonely bubble, excluded from a world that expects them to adapt to the speaking world. Now imagine a society where body language is the main communication tool. In this film we create an extraordinary subculture that connect through the vibrations, macro impulses and density of the environment. We all have a heartbeat, that can be translated to a musical beat.
For a dancer, the body is a tool to express oneself. For the deaf, the body is a tool to be seen, 'heard', and understood. Through hiphop we hope to bridge the gap between the deaf and the hearing world.
Runtime: 01:36
Release Date: 2019-04-15
Producer(s): Mikki Sindhunata
Director of Photography: Gijs Wilbers
Editor: Daan Adèr
Music Composer: Yanay Bonomo
Creative Director: Anne Kamps
Sound Design: Korrel Film
Copywriter: Jack Stephenson Buschman
Individual Credits: Choreography: Lucinda Wessels
Individual Credits: Grading: Qianwei Tong
Notes for Judging: Transferring this message through hiphop seemed to be the ultimate way to connect with the world. Young rapper Equivocal wrote lyrics that conveyed part of the message. His words are translated into sign language by deaf people and translators. Together with these people and a hearing choreographer Lucinda Wessels, the signs are carefully integrated into a choreography. We make this language understandable for the hearing and the deaf
Statement: 36905
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