MUSIC VIDEOS (Craft: Production Design)

Nada Cambia - STINK FILMS - Bobby Flo JPG
Nada Cambia - STINK FILMS - Bobby Flo JPG
Nada Cambia - STINK FILMS - Bobby Flo YOUTUBE 3m:24s

Nada Cambia - Bobby Flo

Nada Cambia - Bobby Flo - STINK FILMS

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Nada Cambia
Client/Brand: Bobby Flo
Production Company: STINK FILMS
Director(s): SIGA
Producer(s): Yasser Eulani - Alvaro Castillo - Alejandro Hernandez - Luino Rojas - Vanessa Hernandez
Agency: Independent
DoP: Rosa Hadit
Instagram Tag: @stinkmexico @stinkfilms @siga.siga.siga.siga @rosa_hadit @bobbyflo_ @vanessahernandez @adrianpax @miguelherver
Short Synopsis: This film is a chaotic exorcism of our feed, dreams and threads. Oscillating between what could be a nightmare and a true story.

As the story goes, we would follow Flo being re-wired by some mysterious grey users while she fights back until the last second.

A journey of madness, from someone trapped on it’s own glass reality.
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