COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

Freak in Geek - Hamburg Media School - UY Studio JPG
Freak in Geek - Hamburg Media School - UY Studio MP4 31s

Freak in Geek - UY Studio
Hamburg Media School

Freak in Geek - UY Studio - Hamburg Media School

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: Freak in Geek
Client/Brand: UY Studio
Production Company: Hamburg Media School
Director(s): Kira Held
Producer(s): Sophia Raab
DoP: Louis Dickhaut
Short Synopsis: In the film, we combine two realities in one image that are often considered incompatible in our world. In a stereotypical german conservative environment with rather traditional orientations, our protagonist dances on a pole in a way that is otherwise only possible in safe spaces. Free and detached from gender roles, heteronormativity or any beauty standards.
The film expresses two things: One is - to let go socially constructed boundaries. And the other point is, to let each other be as we are and acknowledge differences
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