COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

Invitation to Young Family Doctors: Make a Difference in Nursing Homes - Carton Rouge - Quebecois College of Family doctors JPG
Invitation to Young Family Doctors: Make a Difference in Nursing Homes - Carton Rouge - Quebecois College of Family doctors JPG
Invitation to Young Family Doctors: Make a Difference in Nursing Homes - Carton Rouge - Quebecois College of Family doctors VIMEO 1m:10s

Invitation to Young Family Doctors: Make a Difference in Nursing Homes - Quebecois College of Family doctors
Carton Rouge

Invitation to Young Family Doctors: Make a Difference in Nursing Homes - Quebecois College of Family doctors - Carton Rouge

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: Invitation to Young Family Doctors: Make a Difference in Nursing Homes
Client/Brand: Quebecois College of Family doctors
Production Company: Carton Rouge
Director(s): Hervé Baillargeon
Producer(s): Nicolas Robert
Agency: Carton Rouge / Cinelande
DoP: Christophe Fortin
Instagram Tag: @herve_b @robbieclash @cinelandemtl
Short Synopsis: A message that invites young family doctors to come and work in nursing home. Carried by a very touching doctor who speaks of her vocation to make the lives of our elders more beautiful;
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