COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Editing)

Pit Stop - LA PAC, Arts and Sciences - Google Chrome JPG
Pit Stop - LA PAC, Arts and Sciences - Google Chrome VIMEO 3m:50s

Pit Stop - Google Chrome
LA PAC, Arts and Sciences

Pit Stop - Google Chrome - LA PAC, Arts and Sciences

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Pit Stop
Client/Brand: Google Chrome
Production Company: LA PAC, Arts and Sciences
Director(s): Quentin Deronzier
Producer(s): Jerome Denis, Anna Roudaut, Lucy Sheridan
Agency: The Martin Agency
DoP: Cezary Zacharewicz
Instagram Tag: @emiaubry @quentin.deronzier @church_edit
Short Synopsis: Google Chrome and Maluma came together to produce a track using the engine sounds of the McLaren Formula 1 car. In this music video a taxi driver takes Maluma’s place and lives the rapper lifestyle, all made possible by Google Chrome.
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