COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Short)

Good Things Await - Livetribe - Merrell JPEG
Good Things Await - Livetribe - Merrell JPEG
Good Things Await - Livetribe - Merrell VIMEO 30s

Good Things Await - Merrell

Good Things Await - Merrell - Livetribe

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Good Things Await
Client/Brand: Merrell
Production Company: Livetribe
Director(s): Lavender & Ravenscroft
Producer(s): Andrew Denyer & Elizabeth Nuttle (Agency)
Agency: The Agency
DoP: Jacob Moller
Editor: Edouard Mailaender
Creative Director: VP, Kelly Warkentien
Copywriter: Ben Kalajainen
Visual Effects: Mathematic
Colour Grading: Company 3 / Joseph Bicknell
Music Composer: Zoom by Daisha Bride & Paige Blue
Instagram Tag: @garyravenscroft @kaialavender @merrell
Sound Design: Chemistry Sound & Music /Kevin Koch
Short Synopsis: The Merrell campaign launched in April was called “Good Things Await.” The insight there was: we are growing up with a generation of consumers that are highly stressed, anxious and very pressured from everything from a socio-economic standpoint to the world around them. And they look at nature as almost a reprieve… The campaign is predicated on the fact that Merrell excites and challenges consumers to come step outside… and experience joy through the lens of nature.
Extra Credit 1: CMO - Pallav Tamaskar
Extra Credit 2: VP, Brand Marketing - Lindsey Lindemulder
Extra Credit 3: Senior Brand Marketing Manager - Kenneth Weiser
Extra Credit 4: Associate Creative Director - Burke Di Piazza
Extra Credit 5: Senior Art Director - Tucker Friend
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