COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

I did it - Christoph Bauer - Aktion Mensch JPG
I did it - Christoph Bauer - Aktion Mensch MOV 1m:10s

I did it - Aktion Mensch
Christoph Bauer

I did it - Aktion Mensch - Christoph Bauer

Official Selection

Title of Piece: I did it
Client/Brand: Aktion Mensch
Production Company: Christoph Bauer
Director(s): Christoph Baueer
Producer(s): Christoph Bauer
Agency: Christoph Bauer
DoP: Christopher Dürkop
Instagram Tag: @bauernhouse @christopher_duerkop @
Short Synopsis: Janis, a young man without arms and legs, shows the world that prejudice is the worst disability of all.
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