COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: VFX/Animation)

Galaxy S9 - Stink Films - Samsung JPG
Galaxy S9 - Stink Films - Samsung MP4 45s

Galaxy S9 - Samsung
Stink Films

Galaxy S9 - Samsung - Stink Films


Title of Piece: Galaxy S9
Client/Brand: Samsung
Production Company: Stink Films
Director(s): WATTS
Producer(s): Charlotte Jones
Agency: BBH NY
DoP: Nick Bupp
Production Design: Goran Yoxa Joksimović
Editor: Emilie Aubry
Visual Effects: Mathematic TV
Costume Design: Urša Grahovac, Tina Tanko
Instagram Tag: @watts_la @stinkfilms @samsung
Short Synopsis: Staying true to their craft-first approach, covering a giant mound of dirt with real grass and motion testing eye vortexes, WATTS explore the boundless creative possibilities offered by the Galaxy S9 tablet in their latest spot for Samsung.
Extra Credit 1: EP: Mungo Maclagan
Extra Credit 2: PM: Charlie Jones
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