COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: VFX/Animation)

McGruff Think Again 2.0 - Soldats - National Crime Prevention Council JPG
McGruff Think Again 2.0 - Soldats - National Crime Prevention Council JPG
McGruff Think Again 2.0 - Soldats - National Crime Prevention Council MP4 59s

McGruff Think Again 2.0 - National Crime Prevention Council

McGruff Think Again 2.0 - National Crime Prevention Council - Soldats

Official Selection

Title of Piece: McGruff Think Again 2.0
Client/Brand: National Crime Prevention Council
Production Company: Soldats
Director(s): Frank Ychou and Mehdi Alavi
Producer(s): Cédric Barus
Agency: Rise & Run
Colour Grading: Arnaud Laurent
Short Synopsis: As a private nonprofit organization, NCPC helps millions of Americans keep themselves, their families, and communities safe from crime. They create hands-on demonstration programs in schools and neighborhoods, provide training and support for local crime prevention efforts, and distribute easy to use crime prevention resources.

The 2024 "Busted" campaign highlights the real dangers of the modern-day drug deal. Where teenagers often turn to social media channels to acquire prescription medications, which are often fake and could contain fentanyl.
Unlike heroin, which conjures a scary figure down a dark alley surrounded by needles, pharmaceuticals have a false veneer of safety. For many teenagers, prescription medications - for anxiety, depression, and focus - have become normalized. Use of these drugs can be in response to stress and anxiety, or as stimulants alongside alcohol at a party. Which is why it needs our attention.
Extra Credit 1: Associate Creative Director : James Amedeo and Matt Flandorfer
Extra Credit 2: Director of Production : Brian Gonsar
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