PERSONAL WORK (Craft: Colour Grading)

Let This Feeling Go - Radke - JPG
Let This Feeling Go - Radke - VIMEO 6m:03s

Let This Feeling Go

Let This Feeling Go - - Radke

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Let This Feeling Go
Production Company: Radke
Director(s): Andrew De Zen
Producer(s): Boldly, Shelby Manton, John Scarth
DoP: Cole Graham
Instagram Tag: @andrewdezen @amy.j.gardner @cole__graham @filmboldly @shelbymanton @johnscarthphoto @madewithtrust @steptstudios @shelbymanton @geoffreymanton @kristoffduxbury @sebastiengalina
Short Synopsis: The film presents a short story about the need to express ourselves as we follow a young woman dealing with her desperate desires for self-expression after being bottled up.
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