COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Cinematography)

Wempe - “Stay Curious” - The Shack - Wempe JPG
Wempe - “Stay Curious” - The Shack - Wempe VIMEO 1m:17s

Wempe - “Stay Curious” - Wempe
The Shack

Wempe - “Stay Curious” - Wempe - The Shack

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Wempe - “Stay Curious”
Client/Brand: Wempe
Production Company: The Shack
Director(s): Mike Beims
Producer(s): Georg Lucas, Chad Ozturk (Service Producer, Panda), Rebecca Apolonia
Agency: The Shack
DoP: Muratcan Gokce
Instagram Tag: @followtheshack @muratcangokce @mikebeims @pandafilms_istanbul @chadoz @georg.lucas @rebecca.apolonia @froehlich_management
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