COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Use of Sound & Music)

We Are The Panda - Think|Cattleya - WWF JPG
We Are The Panda - Think|Cattleya - WWF MP4 50s

We Are The Panda - WWF

We Are The Panda - WWF - Think|Cattleya


Title of Piece: We Are The Panda
Client/Brand: WWF
Production Company: Think|Cattleya
Director(s): Wolfberg
Producer(s): Francesca Regali, Alessandro Brivio, Caterina Lazzaretti
Agency: Accenture Song
DoP: Luca Costantini
Production Design: Francesca Bultrini
Editor: Stuart Greenwald
Creative Director: Alessandro Candito, Matteo Grandese
Copywriter: Francesca Persico
Visual Effects: Exchanges
Colour Grading: Orash
Instagram Tag: @sizzeramsterdam @accenturesong @think_cattleya @wolfberg_
Short Synopsis: “Becoming Extinct. We’re Doing It Right” - the tagline of the "We Are The Panda" film - highlights the ominous message of this timely campaign. The irony at the core of the film is clear, but it’s the failure to see this same irony in real life that is being exposed here.
With this campaign, WWF as an organization dedicated to protecting the wildlife, puts forward the notion of humans as “endangered species” on the path to extinction, brought imminently closer by their own actions.
Marilyn Manson’s “Beautiful People” accompanies this gruesome exposé - a soundtrack as haunting as the campaign’s message itself. The unlikely pairing of WWF & Marilyn Manson is a bold choice, nothing if not thought-provoking in the current cultural context, emphasizing the ignorance portrayed in the film against the backdrop of the song’s commentary on the society’s destructive relationship to power.
Extra Credit 1: Music Supervision: Sizzer (Richard Aardenburg, Sander van Maarschalkerweerd, Michiel Marsmann)
Extra Credit 2: Chief Creative Officer: Davide Boscacci
Extra Credit 3: Chief Strategy Officer: Antonio Ognissanti
Extra Credit 4: Client Account Management Manager: Annalisa Vacca
Extra Credit 5: General Manager: Martino Benvenuti
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