MUSIC VIDEOS (Craft: Cinematography)

Travis Scott ft. James Blake - Til Further Notice - Phantasm - Travis Scott ft. James Blake JPG
Travis Scott ft. James Blake - Til Further Notice - Phantasm - Travis Scott ft. James Blake MP4 1m:58s

Travis Scott ft. James Blake - Til Further Notice - Travis Scott ft. James Blake

Travis Scott ft. James Blake - Til Further Notice - Travis Scott ft. James Blake - Phantasm


Title of Piece: Travis Scott ft. James Blake - Til Further Notice
Client/Brand: Travis Scott ft. James Blake
Production Company: Phantasm
Director(s): Valdimar Jóhannsson
Producer(s): Gary Farkas
Instagram Tag: @sirvaldimar @cactusjack
Short Synopsis: To coincide with the release of Travis Scott's long-awaited new album Utopia, Valdimar Johansson directed the introductory video for the film album, in which we find Travis Scott battling a giant octopus in the depths of an Icelandic cave. We can only imagine that he comes out the winner and is ready for further adventures in these magnificent end shots.
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