MUSIC VIDEOS (Best Music Video)

Look At That Woman - Andre Bato Corp - ROLE MODEL JPG
Look At That Woman - Andre Bato Corp - ROLE MODEL VIMEO 3m:29s

Look At That Woman - ROLE MODEL
Andre Bato Corp

Look At That Woman - ROLE MODEL - Andre Bato Corp

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Look At That Woman
Client/Brand: ROLE MODEL
Production Company: Andre Bato Corp
Director(s): Dylan Knight
Producer(s): Paul Young Lee
Agency: Interscope Records
DoP: Ben Goodman
Instagram Tag: @dylanknight @rolemodel @andrebato
Short Synopsis: Directed by Dylan Knight, ROLE MODEL's “Look At That Woman” is a celebration of femininity and an ode to relationships that have a lasting impact in one’s life. Within an old-school photo booth, Role Model and his friends, family and fans gather to strike poses, share an intimate moment, and sing along to the ballad. Produced by Andre Bato Corp.
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