COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Use of Sound & Music)

You Always Win - Carbon Films - KFC Thailand JPG
You Always Win - Carbon Films - KFC Thailand JPG
You Always Win - Carbon Films - KFC Thailand MOV 2m:17s

You Always Win - KFC Thailand
Carbon Films

You Always Win - KFC Thailand - Carbon Films

Official Selection

Title of Piece: You Always Win
Client/Brand: KFC Thailand
Production Company: Carbon Films
Director(s): Bruno Bossi
Producer(s): Louis Dipatichai, Aey Anaman
Agency: Bananas
DoP: Liam Gilmour
Director of Photography: Liam Gilmour
Editor: Xander Vander
Creative Director: Safaraaz Sindhi
Script: Safaraaz Sindhi, Bruno Bossi
Music Composer: Robert Kleiner & Chantal Euringer ‘Conquistadora’
Instagram Tag: @lookhear @carbonpeople @liamgilmour_acs @xander_vander
Sound Design: Adam Howard
Short Synopsis: Imagine being lucky enough to win a Billion Baht (25 Million Euro) only to keep waking up the next morning and reliving the same day but as someone else again and again and again. That’s exactly what happens to the character portrayed in KFC’s latest film for their Billion Baht giveaway this year. The commercial merges the ideas of body swaps from films like Freaky Friday and the idea of reliving the same day again and again like Groundhog Day to dramatise the point that every time you enter the promo, you’re guaranteed to win, no matter who you are. With beautiful cinematography, editing that kept the story captivating and energetic, combined with a music track that tied it all together, our two minute commercial felt more like a two minute movie which caught the attention of Thai people around the country, amassing over a million views in just the first hour alone.

Before the film’s release, KFC teased the campaign online and in OOH and PR with a dramatic announcement that a “lucky heir” is in line to win a billion baht for KFC’s birthday thai year, the teaser quickly spread online and became a trending topic. Once the only question left on everybody’s lips was “Who will win the billion baht?”, KFC revealed the answer with an off-beat comedy and fantasy film revealing that everyone is guaranteed to win their share in the billion baht birthday giveaway.
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