COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Long)

Welcome back to earth - Runnning - HENRY - Salomon JPG
Welcome back to earth - Runnning - HENRY - Salomon JPG
Welcome back to earth - Runnning - HENRY - Salomon MP4 1m:39s

Welcome back to earth - Runnning - Salomon

Welcome back to earth - Runnning - Salomon - HENRY


Title of Piece: Welcome back to earth - Runnning
Client/Brand: Salomon
Production Company: HENRY
Director(s): Martin de Thurah
Producer(s): Jean Ozannat & Gaelle Delaporte
Agency: DDB
DoP: Kasper Tuxen
Production Design: David Bersanetti
Creative Director: Alexander Kaltchev
Copywriter: Benoit Oulhen
Visual Effects: The Mill
Costume Design: Joy Sinanian
Instagram Tag: @martindethurah
Short Synopsis: It’s a story about mankind and nature, and returning to something essential that we have lost. A metaphor in which a woman ‘returns to Earth’, seeing a familiar place as if she were discovering it for the first time.
This is the promise of life outdoors. A life where we explore the natural world rather than hiding from it. It speaks to us on both a personal level (so many of us
live in cities, and have so little contact with nature), and also on a societal level. As a species, we have taken ourselves further and further from nature, and along the way drifted away from our own essence.
A part of us always longs to return to that. And yet perhaps we don’t know how.
Extra Credit 1: Artistic Director: Yacine Ouadah Tsabet
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