PERSONAL WORK (Unscripted)

Doctors for Ethiopia - MåneFilms - Doctors for Ethiopia JPG
Doctors for Ethiopia - MåneFilms - Doctors for Ethiopia JPG
Doctors for Ethiopia - MåneFilms - Doctors for Ethiopia VIMEO 10m:26s

Doctors for Ethiopia - Doctors for Ethiopia

Doctors for Ethiopia - Doctors for Ethiopia - MåneFilms

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Doctors for Ethiopia
Client/Brand: Doctors for Ethiopia
Production Company: MåneFilms
Director(s): Maximilian Jonas Müller / Tom Pfeil
Producer(s): Tom Pfeil
Agency: -
DoP: Maximilian Jonas Müller
Editor: Maximilian Pieper
Colour Grading: JayBenzler
Music Composer: Vincent Göttler & Jasper van den Hovel
Instagram Tag: @suupermaax @tom.pfeil
Sound Design: STAUBAUDIO
Short Synopsis: Short documentary on the situation of many doctors in Ethiopia and the work of the NGO ‘Doctors for Ethiopia’ on the ground.
The documentary shows the great commitment of the doctors to achieve the maximum for their patients with the simplest of means. Doctors for Ethiopia provides direct local support with knowledge transfer, donations of urgently needed material and promotes intercultural exchange between doctors in Germany and Ethiopia.
Extra Credit 1: Local Production Manager: Bruk Ayele
Extra Credit 2: Textdesign: Dominik Krüger
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