COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Direction)

Fleurs de Cuir - Polène - Polène JPG
Fleurs de Cuir - Polène - Polène VIMEO 46s

Fleurs de Cuir - Polène

Fleurs de Cuir - Polène - Polène

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Fleurs de Cuir
Client/Brand: Polène
Production Company: Polène
Director(s): David Leon Fiene
Producer(s): Paul Sintoni
DoP: Biel Capellas
Director of Photography: Biel Capellas
Editor: Leonidas Befeldt
Colour Grading: Luna Sáez
Music Composer: Studio EL
Instagram Tag: Director - @davidleonfiene DOP - @bielcapellas 1AC - @marc.borras97 2AC - @kianrahnema Gaffer - @pere.av Spark - @oriolmonguilod Head of Image - @solene_cybs Executive Producer - @paulcommelaboulangerie Brand Manager - @lolakah Location Manager - @ferbofrut Creative - @claire.clairux Photography - @nyimarin Editor - @mankenntsich Colour - @lunaesaez Music And Sound Design - @studio_e_l VFX - Set Design - @citoballesta Drone Service - @skynamicdrone Drone Operator - @xaviolle97 Camera Operator - @guillempazos Equipment - @napalmrentals 35mm Film Print - @cinelab_romania
Short Synopsis: Polène’s affinity for challenging assumptions and reimagining the primary uses of leather has resulted in numerous up-cycling initiatives for leather off-cuts and new innovations in raw materials that can be used as an alternative to traditional leather. To introduce a new product, flowers made from up-cycled leather offcuts, in this campaign we can observe hundreds of plants elegantly bloom in a desert landscape, bringing it back to life.
Extra Credit 1: Head of Image: Solène Couybes
Extra Credit 2: Set Design: Antonio Ballesta Lopez
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