PERSONAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

UNSEEN - TresBien Agency - None JPG
UNSEEN - TresBien Agency - None VIMEO 3m:43s

TresBien Agency

UNSEEN - None - TresBien Agency

Official Selection

Title of Piece: UNSEEN
Client/Brand: None
Production Company: TresBien Agency
Director(s): IVAN BOLJAT
Producer(s): Jordan Kifles
Agency: TresBien Agency
DoP: Boy Behnke
Instagram Tag: Director: Ivan Boljat / website: / instagram: @ivan.boljat Director of Photography: Boy Behnke / instagram: @boybehnke Agency: TRES BIEN GmbH i.L / instagram: Producer: Jordanis Kifle / instagram: @jordanis_kifle Set Producer: Mateusz Wojcik / instagram: @mtpio Movement Director & Main Cast: Antony Franz / instagram: @antony_franz Inner voice is played by Maurice Jabar Werner / instagram: @amowia_ School Teacher: Quincy Junor @quincyjunor 1st Assistant Camera is Nino Halm / instagram: @ninohalm Assistant Director is Marc Cantarellas-Calvó / instagram: @marc.cantarellas Gaffer: Philipp Schröter / instagram: @elmarinolighting Photography: Paul Hepper / instagram: @phepper Styling: Sophia Friedl / instagram: @sophiiafriedl Hair: ZeeZee Hair / instagram: zeezeedoes Make Up: Darja Crainiucenco / instagram: @dasch.c Screenwriter: Lena Weller / instagram: @weller.lena Sound: Effy Ceruti / instagram: @effy_fc Editor: David Herbst / instagram: @davidherbst.edit Colorist: Johan Nurmilehto / instagram: @johancolorist Music by Luke Hester / instagram: @lukedhester Design Creative Director: Marta Beatrice Soro / instagram: @martabeatricecesoro Creative Direction & Voice Guillaume D. Champeau / instagram: @guillaumegrams
Short Synopsis: “UNSEEN” is a short film directed by Ivan Boljat with the support of TresBien Agency. The film artfully tackles the taboo of the expression of male femininity.
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