PERSONAL WORK (Craft: Direction)

All the Wild Hearts Here Below - / - / JPG
All the Wild Hearts Here Below - / - / JPG
All the Wild Hearts Here Below - / - / VIMEO 3m:14s

All the Wild Hearts Here Below - /

All the Wild Hearts Here Below - / - /


Title of Piece: All the Wild Hearts Here Below
Client/Brand: /
Production Company: /
Director(s): Niklas Hugo
Producer(s): /
Agency: /
DoP: Pascal Hein
Director of Photography: Pascal Hein
Colour Grading: Manuel Portschy
Instagram Tag: @psclhn @nxhugo @manuport
Short Synopsis: "All the Wild Hearts Here Below" stands as an anthem on being alive.

We explore the poetry of youth.
Raw, unexpected, passionate, sometimes confusing, but still, inexpressibly hopeful. We glimpse into the lives of a beautifully naive and offhand generation.
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