Pony dance - Colors - Hermès JPG
Pony dance - Colors - Hermès JPG
Pony dance - Colors - Hermès MP4 59s

Pony dance - Hermès

Pony dance - Hermès - Colors

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Pony dance
Client/Brand: Hermès
Production Company: Colors
Director(s): Charlotte Wales
Producer(s): Julie Mathieu / Jules Dieng
DoP: Benoit Debie
Director of Photography: Benoit Debie
Production Design: Sauvage Herve
Editor: Tianès Montasser
Colour Grading: Kevin Le Dortz
Costume Design: Charlotte Collet
Music Composer: Joakim Bouaziz
Instagram Tag: @charlottemwales @benoitdebie @charlottecolletcollet @tianesm @sauvage.herve
Sound Design: Maxime Dufils
Short Synopsis: Using dance as a vector for a collective trance.
We swap places the Pony is the audience, and the people are the horses. It's not about performing nor imposing a hierarchy, just a playful reimagining of things… It's a crescendo of mystery, a comic tension released in a cinematic scene.
Extra Credit 1: Choreographyer : Philippe Decouflé
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