COMMERCIAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

Moving to nature - Xianxin (Beijing) production . LLC - WWF / ANTA JPG
Moving to nature - Xianxin (Beijing) production . LLC - WWF / ANTA VIMEO 2m:15s

Moving to nature - WWF / ANTA
Xianxin (Beijing) production . LLC

Moving to nature - WWF / ANTA - Xianxin (Beijing) production . LLC

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: Moving to nature
Client/Brand: WWF / ANTA
Production Company: Xianxin (Beijing) production . LLC
Director(s): Qianli Wang (Carlos)
Producer(s): Xiaojing Wang
DoP: Yingying Qian (Sherry)
Instagram Tag: @director carloswong_999
Short Synopsis: We filmed two nature reserves separately for WWF & ANTA, hoping that more people would join in the cause of caring for biodiversity and protecting the environment.
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