MUSIC VIDEOS (Best Music Video)

MP4 4m:42s

"Absolve" - Jacques



Title of Piece: "Absolve"
Client/Brand: Jacques
Production Company: VOIR PICTURES
Director(s): Paul Trillo
Producer(s): Aurélien Drosne
Agency: Recherche & Développement
DoP: Florian Solin
Instagram Tag: @_v_o_i_r_ @paultrillo
Short Synopsis: In this visual slap in the face, existing somewhere between music video, short film and video art, director Paul Trillo takes us inside Jacques mental vortex as he follows a cosmic teardrop throughout the Musée Du Louvre. Their collaboration highlights the emotional effect art can have on a willing participant and reveals the pain hidden beneath the surface of every creation. Through a series of experimental visual sequences, we are shown classical artworks in an entirely new light.
The Musée Du Louvre is the ideal playground to illustrate this concept, the ultimate symbol of art in the cosmopolitan sense of the term.
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