COMMERCIAL WORK (Commercials and Branded Content - Long)

Freeform Canvas: Ben Giese - Voca Films - Foreign Rider JPG
Freeform Canvas: Ben Giese - Voca Films - Foreign Rider YOUTUBE 11m:38s

Freeform Canvas: Ben Giese - Foreign Rider
Voca Films

Freeform Canvas: Ben Giese - Foreign Rider - Voca Films

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Freeform Canvas: Ben Giese
Client/Brand: Foreign Rider
Production Company: Voca Films
Director(s): Daniel Fickle
Producer(s): Ralph Dunning & Josh Perez
DoP: Daniel Fickle
Instagram Tag: @bengiese @danielfickle @foreignriderco @joshuaedric
Short Synopsis: A film exploring entrepreneurship and the vulnerability behind creativity.
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