PERSONAL WORK (Experimental)

Chasing Drums - Dreambear - Homeschool JPG
Chasing Drums - Dreambear - Homeschool VIMEO 1m:19s

Chasing Drums - Homeschool

Chasing Drums - Homeschool - Dreambear


Title of Piece: Chasing Drums
Client/Brand: Homeschool
Production Company: Dreambear
Director(s): SHAPXO
Producer(s): Lois Christmann
DoP: Maks Klenov
Director of Photography: Maks Klenov
Production Design: Stefanie Grau
Editor: Yannic Nixdorf
Creative Director: Shapxo
Copywriter: Selassie
Visual Effects: Abyss Digital
Colour Grading: Nicke Cantarelli
Music Composer: staubaudio
Instagram Tag: @shapxo @dreambearproductions @evanmbrown @loischristmann @maksklenov @y_nixi @staubaudio @nickecantarelli @camiruizlora @ody_berlin @stefanie_grau @arnaud.ele @camiruizlora #Robin Schmitt @peninahamanda @sophiebohmeier @mariaehrlichmakeup @ev_litus @bodisamba @hairbyfily @whitecasting @magattediop_ @exoceexiste @alpha_dia_ @ouzxdia @​​azeemayomidesikiru @vagabond.jazz @nicoleatieno @apollo_yom @janetpetersvoices @beyasheva @yan_marchenko @vitaliyhavryluk @e_lekh @infinite__vfx @eugeneshypunov @nazariy.kereya @evtukhov.fx @andreyshiva @tamsyam_vfx @homeschool_mag
Sound Design: staubaudio
Props Stylist: Peninah Amanda
Short Synopsis: A short experimental film directed by Shapxo, filmed in a working subway station in Berlin. A dark fantasy inspired by Pan-African history, people and their culture. The movie is about a Human as a God in a modern world, where the darkness of the past gives birth to the light of the future.
Extra Credit 1: Executive Producer: Evan Brown
Extra Credit 2: AD: Camila Ruiz-Lora
Extra Credit 3: Photographers: Arnaud Ele & Camila Ruiz-Lora
Extra Credit 4: Post-producer: Yan Marchenko
Extra Credit 5: Artists: Vitaliy Havrylyuk, Eugene Lekh, Anurag Raj , Eugene Shypunov, Yan Marchenko, Nazariy Kereya, Konstantin Evtukhov, Andrey Shiron & Volodya Kocharyan
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