COMMERCIAL WORK (New Generation Award)

Floratta | Fleur d'Éclipse - Landia - O Boticário JPG
Floratta | Fleur d'Éclipse - Landia - O Boticário VIMEO 1m:44s

Floratta | Fleur d'Éclipse - O Boticário

Floratta | Fleur d'Éclipse - O Boticário - Landia

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Floratta | Fleur d'Éclipse
Client/Brand: O Boticário
Production Company: Landia
Director(s): Matheo Fernandes & Manu Mazzaro
Producer(s): Carol Dantas, Sebastian Hall, Valentina Baisch & Larissa Delfini
Agency: AlmapBBDO
DoP: Mariano Monti
Instagram Tag: @landiagram @______matheo @manumazzaro @marianomonti
Short Synopsis: In the ethereal dance between sun and moon, unfolds a celestial pas de deux, casting the world below into a fleeting embrace of shadow and light. As the sun's fiery tendrils succumb to the lunar silhouette, a delicate bloom awakens - c'est la Fleur d'Éclipse.
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