COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Cinematography)

Always Detroit Basketball - KSI - Detroit Pistons JPG
Always Detroit Basketball - KSI - Detroit Pistons MOV 1m:00s

Always Detroit Basketball - Detroit Pistons

Always Detroit Basketball - Detroit Pistons - KSI

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Always Detroit Basketball
Client/Brand: Detroit Pistons
Production Company: KSI
Director(s): Michael Medoway
Producer(s): Kegan Sant, Adrian Cheung
DoP: Alejandro Wilkins
Editor: Mah Ferraz
Colour Grading: Mikey Rossiter
Music Composer: Bobb Barito
Instagram Tag: @kegansant⁠ @michael_medoway @alejandro.image⁠ @mahferraz⁠ @mikolour⁠ @baritobobb⁠ @picturelocked⁠
Short Synopsis: The 2023-2024 Detroit Pistons' anthem asks us to "take a look around" at the rich legacy of one of the NBA's most iconic teams. Moving from the 80's "Bad Boys" era to the present day and future of the franchise, we are taken through a mixtape of Detroit's basketball culture.
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