COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Direction)

Airman - Yacht Club - USAF JPG
Airman - Yacht Club - USAF VIMEO 1m:29s

Airman - USAF
Yacht Club

Airman - USAF - Yacht Club

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Airman
Client/Brand: USAF
Production Company: Yacht Club
Director(s): Julia Kupiec
Producer(s): Joe Depasquale, Kristina Rathjen
Agency: GSD&M
DoP: Ace Buckley
Editor: Henry Hayes
Colour Grading: Jared Rosenthal
Instagram Tag: @juliakupiec @yachtclubfilms
Sound Design: Bobb Barito
Short Synopsis: Premiered during Women's History Month, this project was intended to be a historical look at the challenges women have faced in the US Air Force. All VO is sourced from the American Archive of Public Broadcasting.
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