COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Colour Grading)

Dulce Doro - Lost and Found Production - Le Vian JPG
Dulce Doro - Lost and Found Production - Le Vian JPG
Dulce Doro - Lost and Found Production - Le Vian VIMEO 1m:00s

Dulce Doro - Le Vian
Lost and Found Production

Dulce Doro - Le Vian - Lost and Found Production

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Dulce Doro
Client/Brand: Le Vian
Production Company: Lost and Found Production
Director(s): Ise White
Producer(s): Michelle Engstrom
Agency: Art Space Motion
DoP: John Engstrom
Instagram Tag: @isewhite @lostandfoundproduction @artspacemotion @johnengstrom @isewhitecreative @levian_jewelry
Short Synopsis: Indulge…
in Dolce D’Oro, the newest collection from LeVian
Only at Jared.
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