PERSONAL WORK (Experimental)

Mayice - Chasing the light - Grosso Modo - Mayice JPG
Mayice - Chasing the light - Grosso Modo - Mayice JPG
Mayice - Chasing the light - Grosso Modo - Mayice VIMEO 1m:56s

Mayice - Chasing the light - Mayice
Grosso Modo

Mayice - Chasing the light - Mayice - Grosso Modo

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Mayice - Chasing the light
Client/Brand: Mayice
Production Company: Grosso Modo
Director(s): Carlos Santana
Producer(s): Carlos Santana, Manuel Ruiz
DoP: Manuel Ruiz
Colour Grading: Jon Corcuera (Gradepunk)
Instagram Tag: @wearegrossomodo @santanademoradirector @manuelruizcobodop
Sound Design: Álex Asensi (Reptil Estudios)
Short Synopsis: Explore the light. Unravel the secrets of the universe through it and understand its transformative effects. Mayice are inspired by the intricate relationship between light and our perception of the environment. A simple alteration of this element has the power to provide a new perspective that changes our interpretation of the world around us.
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