MUSIC VIDEOS (Best Music Video)

Together Right - Ibuki Studios - Finger Eleven JPG
Together Right - Ibuki Studios - Finger Eleven JPG
Together Right - Ibuki Studios - Finger Eleven VIMEO 3m:29s

Together Right - Finger Eleven
Ibuki Studios

Together Right - Finger Eleven - Ibuki Studios


Title of Piece: Together Right
Client/Brand: Finger Eleven
Production Company: Ibuki Studios
Director(s): Martin Wolfgang Klapperbein
Producer(s): Michael Ren
DoP: Jonathan Glendon
Instagram Tag: @Martin.Klapperbein @jonglendon
Short Synopsis: The video depicts the journey of a group of factory workers trapped in an oppressive routine. As the video unfolds through a militarized dance routine, two of the workers break free. The video ends with a mosh pit of rebellion reflecting their frustration with the environment they are trapped in.
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