MUSIC VIDEOS (New Generation Award)

Ocean Heart - DHR Productions - The Moon & I JPG
Ocean Heart - DHR Productions - The Moon & I JPEG
Ocean Heart - DHR Productions - The Moon & I YOUTUBE 5m:26s

Ocean Heart - The Moon & I
DHR Productions

Ocean Heart - The Moon & I - DHR Productions

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: Ocean Heart
Client/Brand: The Moon & I
Production Company: DHR Productions
Director(s): Karine Dashney
Producer(s): Jordan Lavery, Karine Dashney
DoP: Jordan Lavery
Director of Photography: Jordan Lavery
Editor: Jordan Lavery, Karine Dashney
Visual Effects: Katharsis Images
Costume Design: Ilona Parau
Music Composer: The Moon & I, Hypnotic Beatz
Instagram Tag: @moonimusic @karinedashney @jordanlaverydirector @dhrproductions @katharsisimages @prismprize @rbcxmusic @thecdnacademy @academiecan #mvpproject #rbcxmusic
Sound Design: The Moon & I, Hypnotic Beatz
Props Stylist: Hailey Asquin
Short Synopsis: Ocean Heart paints the story of a couple navigating the storm of a mental health episode. Through dream-like dance sequences, the woman's inner turmoil is vividly portrayed as she battles her mental health crisis and shows her reluctance to get help by fleeing from a metaphorical entity. As an encroaching darkness consumes her world, a beam of light offers hope, weaving itself throughout to help guide the couple toward each other.

Alternating between the joyous early days of their relationship and its painful decline, the video reveals the depth of their connection and the challenges they've endured. As the music crescendos, the couple finally reconciles, embracing with newfound understanding, hope, and compassion.
Extra Credit 1: First Assistant Director : Zachary Creatchman
Extra Credit 2: Camera Operator : Andrew Main Oster
Extra Credit 3: Camera First Assistant : Cory Reynolds
Extra Credit 4: Camera Second Assistant : Vera
Extra Credit 5: Production Manager : Evan Baird
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