PERSONAL WORK (Cultural Impact)

Let Her Go - Breton Follies - JPG
Let Her Go - Breton Follies - JPG
Let Her Go - Breton Follies - MP4 3m:33s

Let Her Go
Breton Follies

Let Her Go - - Breton Follies

Raw Selection

Title of Piece: Let Her Go
Production Company: Breton Follies
Director(s): BretonTyner-Bryan
Producer(s): Breton Follies Productions
Director of Photography: Riley Morgan
Editor: Breton Tyner-Bryan
Creative Director: Breton Tyner-Bryan
Script: Breton Tyner-Bryan
Colour Grading: Breton Tyner-Bryan
Costume Design: Breton Tyner-Bryan
Music Composer: Patrick Murray
Instagram Tag: @bretontynerbryan @bretonfolliesny
Sound Design: Breton Tyner-Bryan
Short Synopsis: LET HER GO, explores the suspension of time as we watch love fade and bloom.
Extra Credit 1: Choreographer, Breton Tyner-Bryan
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