COMMERCIAL WORK (Craft: Colour Grading)

Starfield - Official Live Action Trailer - Merman - Bethesda Softworks JPG
Starfield - Official Live Action Trailer - Merman - Bethesda Softworks JPG
Starfield - Official Live Action Trailer - Merman - Bethesda Softworks VIMEO 1m:39s

Starfield - Official Live Action Trailer - Bethesda Softworks

Starfield - Official Live Action Trailer - Bethesda Softworks - Merman


Title of Piece: Starfield - Official Live Action Trailer
Client/Brand: Bethesda Softworks
Production Company: Merman
Director(s): Nicole Ackermann
Agency: AKQA Washington
DoP: Adam Bentel
Colour Grading: Jax Harney
Instagram Tag: @jaxharney @nicole__ackermann @adambentel @mermanbranded @akqa
Short Synopsis: Starfield is an RPG game where the player joins a group of space explorers traveling to far corners of the galaxy. Our vision for the trailer's colour grade was to not only showcase the grandeur of the game but to immerse viewers in a world of colours that mirror the vastness and diversity of the Starfield universe. The palette's chosen serve as a glimpse into the vibrant and visually stunning galaxy that awaits players in the Starfield game.
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